ProjectAisaForward DemoDay第1期马来站路演直播

阿里云> 创新中心> 直播> ProjectAisaForward DemoDay第1期马来站路演直播

ProjectAisaForward DemoDay第1期马来站路演直播

发布者:阿里云创新中心 2021-09-10 12:00:00

疫情中后期,亚太市场进入了数字创新的黄金时代。作为亚太第一云厂商/数字创新的推动者,阿里云相信科技驱动世界创新发展。我们希望能与亚太地区的企业、组织、开发者等一起发动数字创新加速器计划。 我们相信数字化不仅可以帮助亚洲走出疫情的困境,更能通过数字创新的驱动,走向新的繁荣。

所以今年我们发起了ProjectAisaForward DemoDay活动,第一站就是来到马来西亚,与阿里云马来西亚和创业相关马来西亚政府机构一起发现新生机,找到东南亚明天的力量。

In June 2021, Alibaba Cloud announced its new Project AsiaForward initiative to bring digital transformation to local enterprises in Asia and nurture fresh talent. As part of Project AsiaForward, Alibaba Cloud is launching the Alibaba Cloud Global Startup Accelerator. A series of Demo Days will be held, presenting startups the chance to be selected for the Global Startup Accelerator and become part of Alibaba Cloud’s global ecosystem.
The Alibaba Cloud Global Startup Accelerator Demo Days aims to seek out and empower high-potential budding startups in Southeast Asia who have dreams of becoming the next breakout story.

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